Monday, July 21, 2008


13 days still summer session starts, and i still dont have a place to stay in Davis.. hmmm, im beginning to get worried.
if anyone knows anyone i can crash with or rent a room from, let me know asap..

i watched 28 weeks later last night. It was good, but the soundtrack was even better. the movie seemed too short, or maybe it just seemed that way because the last movie i saw before that was the dark knight. Then we went driving on redwood road.
met the "divine" guys there, but only after we finished with driving so i didnt get a chance to drive with them this time.

I have 13 days left. I want to go driving a lot and live it up, but then i have to pay for my summer school class at davis so i should save money.... fuck school, so damn expensive.


Today went by really fast, didnt really do anything, but it was still a good day for some reason.

So today i had some kind of psychotic episode. Maybe its just called an anger tantrum? i dont know, but it was scary. I just remember raising my voice just a little bit and then all of a sudden i wasn't in control of my body anymore. I couldnt hear anything because i was shouting at the top of my lungs. It was a really really weird experience, almost like being high. I was driving when it happened, so embarassing. I hope nobody saw me, cuz im always driving around topless and im pretty easy to recognize... Anyways, later on i had another one, it feels good to scream over and over and over again. Much more satisfying than throwing or breakings things, it only leaves you with shit to clean up, or broken valuables whether it be ur watch, door, or fist(that happens when the wall wins..)
When i was coming down off of it, i could've sworn there was a demon's face laughing at me in the wood grain pattern on my bookshelf. and for some reason i rubbed deoderant on it because i didnt want to break another thing in my room. Then i saw another face, then another, then i realized there were demons all around me in the shapes and patterns from pretty much everything in my room. Pretty scary. Then i started to calm down and came back up to earth. I hope i never have one of those experiences ever again.
Now this isnt just one of those angry moments where you lose control and u do something stupid, this was on a whole new level. I was in a totally different state of mind and all i could do was scream. it was like a panic attack, anger tantrum, mental breakdown, and orgasm all combined into one. It really felt that good. In a dark scary sort of way. but it felt realllllly good. i wish i could do it again on purpose but i really cant no matter how hard i try. someone please bite my nipple off!

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