Tuesday, August 19, 2008

WTF does being suicidal mean??

"suicidal". where does one draw the line? i guess at the point where someone takes action, or tries to anyways, but isn't everyone "suicidal" just a little bit? who hasnt wondered what it would be like to kill themself. When you're lying down on ur bed ready to sleep, its dark and quiet and time seems to have frozen. A lot of shit goes through your head. Most likely killing yourself has come up every once in a while depending on how your day has gone. Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be hanging by your neck? ouch too painful. Toaster in ur bath tub? nahh i dont like deep fried stuff, too unhealthy. Jumping off the Golden Gate? hmm, interesting, but too cold and too salty. Hit by a Bus?? i've never broken a bone in my life and i dont plan to break that record right before i die, cmon. drive right off of a cliff without ur seatbelt on? probably the most exciting way to go but you might not die. Sky diving without a parachute, now that one sounds cool and it seems like you would die fairly quickly. The old classic gun to the head. Now if you've thought of this, you really might be suicidal. Cmon, im only talking about thinking of it for the sake of entertainment, not seriously. gun to the head is so wannabe dramatic and nonchalant. Its the pussiest way to die, and that means you really just want to get it done with ASAP. anyways
My point is, hasnt everyone THOUGHT of it?? what it would be like?? what other people would do? i dont think there are "suicidal" people and "non suicidal" people .I think everyone is suicidal and it just takes the perfect day for them to go through with it.
but Then you have all these anti depressents and chemicals that make ur brain do shit that makes u not want to kill urself.

What the fuck is your mind anyways?? you're depressed and you get some chemicals in ur brain and your not anymore?? you take some chemicals and all of a sudden ur in a different world??? you mind is nothing. Your mind isn't special or unique or intelligent. Your mind cannot escape from your physical brain. Your mind is your brain. chemicals, they are what controls your mind.
go ahead, talk about your super natural experiences with the afterlife, things that have minds but not physical bodies. go ahead, try to tell me who YOU are after you got alzheimer disease. How can you be sure it wasnt just some chemical in your brain? lets say you and a few friends saw an angel. Are you sure it wasnt just the gas leak that made your brain realease funny chemicals?
well, im just arguing this for my philosophy paper, i can think of many many ways to counter myself because i hoold very different beliefs. anyways, if you feel like you have some counter examples to this conception of the mind, feel free to do so.

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