Monday, November 17, 2008

Tony Joo

sitting here in my room on my laptop, 10:42pm. From here, life seems neither good or bad. It feels like something you just do. a very uninspiring, unemotional point of view.

when im riding my bike, life feels like just one big opportunity to be doing something fun, to be exercising so i can live longer so i can have more years of fun. a very naive point of view.

when im at work or in school, life is so hard. So very hard and boring. a very negative view of the world, but seemingly the most realistic.

when im reading the Bible, life is of the utmost importance. Life feels too short to be wasting time on anything other than building wealth in heaven and bearing fruits for God. Life is about constantly striving to gain heavenly wisdom and seeking God daily. This is the reality that we as Christians should always be living in, 24/7.

Funny how satan distract us from our true reality through anything and everything without us even knowing. Whether its biking, cars, school, work, anything that hinders my relationship with God is the work of satan. That is how he gets us, he uses things that we don't expect to be necesarily "wrong" or "evil", he uses things that are pretty and pleasurable.

this past week i read a quote that really inspired me. i forgot what it said exactly but its something like this: we have been given this life, and what we do and accomplish during this time on earth is sortof a payment of rent for the time we lived in it.

another good one: the man who does not read is just as good as the man who cannot read.

- jooDub

1 comment:

kangsam said...

such a babyface. aren't you supposed to be getting older?? :)