Wednesday, January 21, 2009


my econ teacher is a very wise man. he taught me something today.
What is important? is a woman driving her car into a lake and drowning her two children important? no. importance is determined by how many people it affects. Is the fact that the unemployment rate in california jumped from %5 to %7 in the last 2 months? yes. 

Prioritize your life. think of things you can start doing today and everyday that will drastically affect your future. 

read the bible
read readers digest articles
eat healthy

ironically, the truly important things are the things we seem to look over the easiest. Oh, i can do it tomorrow, its not urgent. no, it really is. where you are now is a result of your life style beginning from years and years ago. 

anyways, i should start to talk about what i really want to talk about.

Pain. Cycling is a metaphor for life. Cycling is nothing more than a painfest. a measure of how much pain you can endure, and whether you can endure more than the guy next to you. training is merely putting yourself in pain over and over until you can handle MORE pain, not to get used to the same amount of pain. It is just as much mental as it is physical. 
Life is like this. you have to do little things everyday to train yourself and of course they will be a pain in the ass to do. But, if you don't, one day you will find yourself in a race you can't win. Life is one big pain festival, can you endure it? giving up will only make it worse. you have to intentionally put yourself through pain, so that when you go through unintentional pain you willbe able to endure it. 
you know what you need to do. just fucking do it. 

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