Thursday, July 3, 2008


Yes, i purposely pose so that my arms cover my manboobs. Yes, i have manboobs but you probably already knew that since u always touch them.
Today we almost caught a huuuuuuuge shark. It was so big that it broke our line and swam away.
Workout, fish, mexican food. this describes every day of this week. yeahhhhh. i could get used to this, but i think the mexican food is a lot worse for my health than i think it is.
i watched hancock was stupid. they trick you into thinking its an interesting movie with the name handcock but it has NOTHING to do with what the title implies. OR what you would expect from a superhero movie. no real storyline, and absolutely no character development for the bad guys. They just come in at the end, and gets owned by some random white guy. Game over. Dont waste ur time or money.

T-minus 4 days

i've realized that i have to keep busy, because if im alone for too long i think too much. Then i get pissed off. I hate the world.

These are the kind of guys i really hate. Ungrateful pieces of shit. Their parents love them way too much and they are too fucking spoiled to realize it. They drive their little sports car convertibles their parents buy them and don't give a shit about anything. They can be smart, if they gave it any effort at all. They get accepted into decent universities but they throw it all away just because they dont give a shit. If you havent realized by now, the kind of guys i hate the most are guys like me.
"i dont give a shit"
thats my life motto. I didnt consciously choose to live by it, it just turned out that way somewhere between freshman year and senior year of high school. I cant feel. I dont feel. I dont give a crap about anything really. as long as i live in suburbia with food on my plate and gas in my car, ill probably be coasting through life without any purpose, meaning, or passion. Until i either hit rock bottom, or something or someone hits me hard enough for me to get out of this shit, ill just go about the daily routine. Guess its time to crack open the old bible again...its been too long.

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