Friday, August 29, 2008

If you haven't noticed,

I'm beginning to lose faith in everything i believe in. Human beings are so amazing, a creation that truly only God could have even imagined, let alone create. But what human beings do disgusts me. Sin has ruined God's beautiful creations.
The more i think about humans, the more i realize how despicable and worthless we are. We wage wars against our own brothers, we murder each other, we hate each other. What amazes me even more is that God would sacrifice the only man who committed not one sin against him, his own son Jesus, in order to save the rest of us pathetic human beings. Kind of makes you sad doesn't it? Humans. I have lost all faith in everyone else around me, as well as myself. I don't believe in true happiness, i dont believe in true selflessness, i dont believe in anything or anyone. But there IS a reason to go on living here.

My philosophy is that this life is going to be shit, no matter what you do, or who you are. Inevitably, this life is going to fuck you in the ass harder than you can ever imagine. So, knowing that you are going to be screwed over, you either take it, and be more prepared for the next fucking, or you give up and live in misery for the rest of your life until you die. Think about it, every single religion believes in an afterlife, and that it will be better than this one, and religion is created by men. Although, christianity is the only one that was created by men who knew they were made in the image of God, therefore it is in fact God's work, not man's. But anyways, my point is that everyone on earth knows this world is nothing but a huge pile of dog shit, so just learn to deal with it, or leave.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wage war with me Tony. I don't want to hear these things from you anymore. Please lean on me.
