Monday, August 25, 2008

What are your goals??

what is your goal after college? what is your goal for life? seems like everyone judges you based on how you answer these two questions. It also seems like i've been getting asked these same damn questions a lot lately. My answer is always this:
I want to get a job as soon as i get out of college. If not, then go to graduate school so i can get another really good job.
Then they say: yes but what are your goals? what kind of job? do you want to be the head of a company? own your own shop? what?

I say: i just want a job that pays a lot of money.

I realize that i need to have fun. I need some inspiration because i've lost all of mine. my goals to become a race car driver, a pro golfer, and maybe even engineer have all slipped by. I love it when i see people at the olympics breaking records, and winning gold medals. I see the joy in their face and i know they feel a million times happier inside than they even look. I want that. I want to have a goal that i know i want to work for, and then work for it, and then achieve it. Even if i fail miserably, i want to know that i tried my very best at SOMETHING. please, just give me ONE good thing that i can work for. I've lost everything i tried to work for before i even got to start.
Golf? i gave up on that myself. Race car driver? too much money. Girlfriend? didn't work out, as always. School? dont even ask.
this is the big one: Engineer? this is what hurt me the most. I have always been good at math. I love math. I love physics. I would love to become an engineer one day. All my life, everyone has told me at how good at math. I then proved this to everyone after i got an 800 SAT math score. But, for the first time in my life, i had someone tell me the hard facts. I failed the easiest calculus class ever, and then i only passed it with a C on my second try. My advisor said to me, in a worried voice "maybe you should try moving into a different field of study?? i mean, you dont really seem to be a math person, heck the best grade you've gotton has been in your philosophy classes. I really think you should change your major"

ME? NOT a MATH person?? do you know who i am??!! i wanted to scream into the phone until my vocal cords were ripped right out of my throat. I wanted to scream so loud that she would be able to hear me all the way from Davis. But, shes right. To everyone else, im not a math person anymore. So, there it is. I lost that too. Why? because i lose focus, i lose sight of my goal. I get lazy and all i care about is finding a way to kill the time infront of me until i can do something fun.
I now realize what it is like in the real world. I now realize why there were grades in high school. I now realize why there are degrees, and diplomas. They are merely a certificate showing that you are CAPABLE of learning. The better the degree, the better you are at LEARNING. It doesnt matter how much you know, it doesnt matter how fucking stupid you are. It doesnt matter where you are from, or what kind of reputation you have. What matters is how good are you at learning?
Me? im no where near as good as i should be for a full time student at a university, but im beginning to understand now, finally. its something that i should have learned from sophmore year in high school, but i guess i let a lot of other shit distract me.

I've finally decided what my goal in life is for now. My goal in life is to find a goal thats worth fighting for. Until i find it, im going to earn a degree just to add to my supplies which i need to succeed in life. After that, i guess ill just have to keep getting more supplies, until i find something to use it all for. What i mean is that my future degree, job, house, money, is all worth nothing. In the end, i would be willing to give it all up for what really matters in life. I dont know what that is yet, but i have a pretty damn good feeling it would be my children. So maybe i do have it planned out. I need to succeed in life, in order to provide my future family with a stronger, smarter, better father/husband. I guess i always had it twisted, i always thought it was stupid to want "success", and money, its all material. But now i realize that "success" and money is all something that is a RESULT of REAL success, which is learning, growing, maturing, become wiser.

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