Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Why cars are not the same as girls

for a brief time, i actually thought that a woman can bring me more happiness than my car. How foolish, right?
A car can never get cold feet. A car is as commited to you as you are to it. If you are going to use it purely as a track car, to use strictly for racing and only driven on a race track, then the car wont mind. Try doing that to a girl and she would be considered a prostitute. If you are going to keep it in the garage, never drive it, and spoil it, then the car wont mind either. Try doing that to a girl and you'd be considered whipped like a little bitch. i drive my car everyday, but i still like to have fun with it on the weekends. Sometimes i get angry at it because it grinds going into second gear, or when a bolt gets seized, or if i have to spend money to fix it. But no matter how bad it gets, in the end i love spending quality time alone with my car, blasting through a mountain road or killing cones at the autox.

Now that i think about it, i treat girls too much like cars, and my car too much like a girl. I spend money to take my car out on a date. I buy it new shoes, presents, accessories. I think of how long i'll keep my car, and all the great years to come. I did all the same with my girlfriend, and it doesnt seem too bad, but i really didnt think of what she might be thinking. See, with a car, its a relationship with yourself, in essence. You get all the same elements of a real relationship, except without the girl on the other end. With a realtionship with a girl, you have to remember, you are as much the car to her, as she is the car to you. She thinks of you in so many ways, just as you do her.

the thing with humans is that they aren't nearly as reliable or predictable as Mazdas are. Thats Mazda engineering for you. They might seem happy one day, then leave you the next. They might say they love you one day, then say they don't want to be with you the next. They might say that they are sorry one day, then show you that they really aren't the next day.

anyways, back to my point. The last couple of months, i really thought that cars were dumb, and didn't bring real happiness in the end, like a girl can. But i was horribly, horribly wrong. Girls are just as superficial and meaningless as cars are, except they can hurt you in more ways than cuts, bruises, and scraped knuckles. So i guess all the money i spent over the years was a total waste, i really should have spent it on car parts, at least then i would have something to show for it today.

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