Saturday, October 25, 2008

Begin with the end in mind

Always begin with the end in mind. Plan ur schedule by weeks, not days. If u plan ur daily schedule only, you will end up doing nothing but busy work all day and never getting anything effective done. think about what you really want with your life and plan your like accordingly.
Dont get caught up in the management of daily life, otherwise there really is no point to life. you work, you play, you learn, you make new friends. routines, routinens, and new routines that are just variations of the same old routines. You can end up being 60 and not have accomplished anything really.

Management is the workers with machetes cutting through the forest. Leadership is the person in charge that tells them they are cutting down the wrong forest. Of course the management will jsut say "shutup! we're getting a lot of work done very efficiently"
But what does being efficient or "productive" have any value if you are climbing up the wrong ladder, or cutting in the wrong forest???

begin with the end in mind. lately i havent been focused on what is really important in this life, that is fearing God and building a deeper more meaningful relationship with God, as well as spreading God's love to others. Always remember that wisdom is fearing God.

sometimes you may think that everything is meaningless. murderers theives, fools as well as pastors, holymen, and wisemen will all end up meeting the same fate, death.
But Remember, every single one of your deeds on earth will be judged before the gates of heaven by God, therefore fear God.

(ps. this picture at the top has nothing to do with my blog entry, i just thought it was cool)

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