Wednesday, October 29, 2008

foggy morning

today was extremely foggy in the morning. i couldn't even see the stop sign for the block from my house, all i could see was a cloud of white. But who cares, i got suited up and went biking. little did i know that everything facing forward would get drenched in water from the fog.... not pleasant. after my 2 day break i seem to have gotton much stronger. cant say much for endurance, but its definitely easier to pedal and sprint. i can go pretty damn fast now, keeping up with cars on the local streets. maybe in another two weeks ill go on a 30 mile ride. usually i go for about 8-12 mile rides every morning. i can feel my legs getting bigger, but my upper body is getting smaller. i guess its evening out now because my lower body was always really scrawny. Note to self: start lifting weights again to stop losing muscle in ur upper body. well, just ate a great healthy breakfast (left over chicken burrito +slice of toast + 2 eggs scrambled) and now im off to work! yee!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I posted a comment saying that my butt looks big, but I take it back. It just looks really round. hahaha